I became the Drum Roadie with Lynyrd Skynyrd in 1973 & wore many Hats with the Band for over 40 years of working with members of the Original band. I was working as the Guitar Roadie at the time of the Most Famous Airplane Crash in History October 20 , 1977 & nominated as The World's Most Famous Roadie by Fans & Peers in 2022 - Sharing never before details of Lynyrd Skynyrd that have been overlooked in all of the Movies - Books & Documentaries that have been released up until now . CO - PILOT Griff Martin AKA The Rocket Scientist is the Co Host Of the Craig Read Stoned Roadie Podcast. Griff known as the man that can get anything like Radar O'Reilly on mash has even lavished Craig his podcast partner with hard to find items. You may see Craig appear on the show with some of these items like Craig"s Rocket Scientist lab coat and even an airline pilot captains hat and shirt. Craig will tell you he likes gifts but if their gifts anyone can get he doesn't want them. Griff spent 35 years at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Cocoa Beach Florida processing and transporting human space flight hardware. He has supported over 100 space shuttle flights and just before he retired helped to assemble the shuttle replacement rocket ARTIMUS set to launch this year. During Griff's career he has worked as a technical director in many major motion pictures at Kennedy like Armageddon, Apollo Thirteen, Space Cowboys and First Man. Griff is a long time fan of Lynyrd Skynyrd and met Craig on FakeBook where they both share the same wit and humor. Craig invited Griff to go on a VIP tour to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and they have been friends ever since
Gene Odom Lynyrd Skynyrd plane crash survivor and Ronnie VanZant friend and fishing buddy goes through Ronnies almost 50-year-old tackle box.